
It has been forever!

The above photo was taken May 14, 2010.

Hello friends and family,

We have MAJORLY been slacking in the blog department!

It's hard to believe that our little bean, Grahm, is turning one in about a month. Sophia is just over three. It seems like the time is just flying by and the kids are growing fast. Before we know it, we'll have two teenagers on our hands. Oy!

Life is really good.

Grahm is a teething, mobile tot. He crawls, stands and cruises, and we predict that he'll be walking at around the age of 1. He is a very determined and outspoken little guy (yes, we know that is possible, even though he doesn't talk!). We think he has a fairly strong personality, just like his sidekick sister. On the topic of sisters... Sophia is a smart, sassy girlfriend... I like to say she's three going on 13!! She had a fabulous first year at nursery school (Bolton Hill Nursery). It was a great staff and the place was very artsy. Her best friend there was Emily. Now that it's summer, she has started camp (St. Casimir). The great thing about camp is how close it is to our house: two blocks away! This past year, Sophia has been wayyy into princesses. We can thank ourselves for that, since we dressed her as a princess for Halloween, and she willingly "accepted." I wonder what next year's theme/obsession will be?

We've really been enjoying the area where we live. But, we've decided that we need more space, so our house has been for sale for about a month now. We're not sure where we are going (Canton versus Towson), but that's OK since we don't have any bites on the house yet! Whether we choose to rent or buy next, we've decided that a garage is at the top of our priority list. We need a place to store all of the big stuff we've accumulated: trikes, wagon, scooter, strollers and more strollers... you know where I am going with this!!

We'll try not to let another year go by before we write again!

With love,
Erika (& Brent too!)


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